
大恐慌 In English,大恐慌の英語,大恐慌 Translation By WebSaru Japanese Dictionary

大恐慌 in English,大恐慌の英語,大恐慌 translation by WebSaru Japanese Dictionary

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Japanese-English translation of "大恐慌"


ドナルドR 。
    Great Depression
    1. とてもうまく,すばらしい,重大な,名工,偉大な,卓越した,大きな,多い,大の
    2. 全体,要人,とてもうまく,全体,大物,ビッグな,素晴らしい,とても

  1. 意気消沈,憂鬱,憂うつ,不況,不景気,不振,下降,沈下,陥没,窪み,低地,俯角,【病名】鬱病,うつ状態,憂欝,低気圧
  2. (the Depression)世界大恐慌(the Great Depression)

Japanese-English translation examples of "大恐慌"

A lot of people were out of work during the Great Depression in America.
The Great Depression started in 1929 when the stock market crashed in New York.
During the Great Depression, people had to live hand to mouth and never knew if they would find a meal.
1889年4月にロンドンで生まれ、1977年のクリスマスの日にスイスで亡くなるまでに、チャップリンは歴史に残る名作を含む、80本以上の映画の脚本·監督·制作、および主演のすべてを、あるいは主演を務めました。愛や死といった普遍的なテーマだけでなく、当時の画期的な出来事や思想 -- 大恐慌、産業化、社会主義、疎外、人種差別、二つの世界大戦 -- を、ユーモア半分、ペーソス半分で描いています。
Between his birth in London in April 1889 and his death in Switzerland on Christmas Day in 1977, Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, and/or starred in more than 80 films, some among the finest ever made, exploring with equal parts humor and pathos the
I graduated from the University of Utah in 1932, which was at the bottom of the depression.
Seventy years ago, in the depths of the Great Economic Depression, almost every American within earshot of a radio listened to... and was inspired by... the unlikely victory of boxer James Braddock.
In 2008, the global recession that started in the United States, sometimes said to be worse than the Great Depression of 1929, soon struck the Japanese economy with disastrous effects.
This story is set in 1933 during the Great Depression in New York which is full of depressed homeless people who cannot hold much hope for a bright future.
The incident greatly affected the global economy and quickly triggered the Great Depression.
During the depression, many companies and financial institutions around the world went bankrupt, creating massive unemployment.
This romantic suspense makes the more unpleasant aspects of Geisha life, the great depression, and WW II Japan, easier to digest.
And if you deal with that period -- the period of the Depression -- in a very specific way, sort of evoking a lot of the photographs that you see from the era, particularly the ones that you see people living in cities, you see these skyscrapers and t
This is a story about bonds between two fathers and their sons in Depression-era Chicago.
Then came the Great Depression and, to feed his family, he joined the long lines waiting for work or bread or meager relief payments.
アメリカでベストセラーとなった『Memoirs of a Geisha』は、次々に展開される人生のドラマに、大恐慌や祇園界隈の芸者置屋の暮らしや戦争といったものの歴史的に正確な細部を織り込んでいる。
A best seller in the United States, Memoirs of a Geisha mixes the drama of an unfolding life with historically accurate details of the great depression, life in a Gion district geisha house, and the war.

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